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My Morning Routine for a Productive Day

Throughout college, I have often struggled with being productive throughout the day. I usually find myself laying in bed until the last possible minute before class and only doing assignments when they are due. Although this worked fine at first, in the last year or so my life has gotten increasingly busier. Learning how to balance school, work, a position in my sorority, and maintaining a social life has been difficult. I can no longer waste my days laying in bed and leaving assignments till the last minute. One of the things that I have done to increase my productivity on the days where I need to get stuff done is I have established a morning routine. I have found that my most productive days are when I start off strong from the moment I wake up. I know a lot of other college students struggle with being productive so I wanted to share what works for me!

  1. Wake up to an alarm. Make sure that you are getting the necessary 7-8 hours of sleep the night before, however set an alarm to make sure you are not oversleeping. Not only does oversleeping make you tired throughout the day, but you always may be wasting a lot of valuable time on sleep your body does not necessarily need.

  2. Limit time on your phone. I always allow myself a few minutes to check messages that may be important, however I do not allow myself to scroll on TikTok for hours.

  3. Make your bed. This step is the one that I believe is the most important. Making my bed in the morning not only forces me to stay out of it, but it also is the first productive thing I do in the day.

  4. Do your skincare routine. This is the next productive thing in the day that makes me feel put together.

  5. Get dressed and ready for the day. Even if you are not going anywhere, change out of your pajamas and get ready for the day as if you are going somewhere. This step helps me so much more than I ever thought. It makes me feel like I am ready to conquer the day and it prevents me from laying around in my pajamas all day feeling lazy.

  6. Eat breakfast and drink water. This one has always been hard for me because I usually find myself not hungry in the mornings, however it is necessary to fuel your body before you can truly be productive.

This is the morning routine that I have found to help me be the most productive I can on the days where I have the most to do. I hope this helps others who are struggling to!

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